Utilizing social media to effectively drive online sales really depends on what your sales cycle is and what you’re selling. We’ve set up different social strategies to drive sales activity. Some are transactions (e-commerce), others lead generation for services or B2B. Both of those options tend to come with a longer decision-making process.
E-Commerce – most businesses can leverage the shopping tools that are built into Facebook and Instagram which link very easily to WooCommerce and Shopify. This populates your “shop” tab on Facebook and allows you to tag items in your posts on Instagram using the “catalogue” feature. Then you can focus on building an audience that can shop your feed instead of solely relying on ads. The best practice is not to rely on this by itself, though. A strong strategy here is a mix of paid ads, optimized organic posts, and retargeting for people who clicked on your ad or post, went to your site but didn’t buy.

Lead Generation – start by adding value upfront. You know it’s going to be a long relationship and a high-value sale, so don’t be afraid to give before you get. Find a way to start building your authority with your prospects and qualifying that they will need your product or service. A free consultation, downloadable resource or booking for a webinar works great (if it is specific enough to connect with your ideal prospect). This is not designed to make an immediate sale, it’s to get a prospect into your funnel so the lead can be nurtured into a new client or disqualified with varying levels of automation. Again, supporting content on your profile helps. Post regularly and stay on topic to support the advertising that you’re doing.
There’s more on our agency insights blog if you’re curious, as this is just starting to scratch the surface for this topic. There are many tips that can help you grow your social media numbers and effectiveness. For more examples and information, you can also check out Super Social Media, an online course designed to teach some of the most efficient ways to expand your reach and target the right audience.