5 Benefits of Google My Business for Local SEO
Google My Business gives a wealth of valuable analytics that breaks down how visibility, target customers and how they’re engaging with the business.
Google My Business gives a wealth of valuable analytics that breaks down how visibility, target customers and how they’re engaging with the business.
There’s also many different needs that a local business requires that a large company serving the entire country through one or many locations doesn’t. Google recognizes that the local economy is supported by small businesses and has built tools within Google My Business that are ready for you to use (and are 100% free).
It’s important to keep up with the seemingly ever-changing trends in website design, especially since regular design updates can save you money! You don’t need to have the most current website around, but you do want to ensure that you’re keeping up with web standards. Keeping in mind the people who aren’t familiar with technology, you want to provide consistency while they are browsing your website.