How to write great “About” pages that describe you and your website.

by | Oct 28, 2019 | Content Marketing

In this series, I’m going to break down the basic elements that every website needs and how to easily accomplish it. These are my #contentbasics. Even if you have been running your website, online store or blog for a while, these things can always be freshened up. I hope each week you’ll find something that you can use on your website.

Here’s what to expect in the Content Basics Series.

  1. How to write an awesome “About page” that clearly describes you and your website (this post)
  2. What your “Home Page” should really look like and how it should function.
  3. Why every website needs a “resources page” and what it should do.
  4. Why you need automate your “contact page” and start building your most valuable asset.
  5. Your work deserves a portfolio and accurate product or services pages.
  6. How to audit and edit any page on your website to rank better and increase conversions.

Up first, the “about” page. One of the most common pages for any website. It’s also one of the worst pages (the absolute worst is next week’s topic) on most websites. It usually needs some work, so let’s get started.

About what? Start with an Elevator Pitch.

The about page is frequently used to say too much. Or nothing at all. I know it’s on most websites because every website has one and that’s a big part of the problem. You probably have too much to say “about” yourself and your business to put it all on one page.

The first thing to do is just that. Figure out how much you’re talking about on your about page, and shrink it into an elevator pitch. If you were only able to talk to someone in an elevator for 20 seconds, how would you describe your business? How would you introduce yourself?

Remember, you’ve got to be professional, represent your brand effectively and most importantly, capture their interest. Where possible, get some keywords in there, too. Accurately describe with words and phrases that customers might be googling to find you.

What makes you unique with what you offer?
What makes you the best choice in your industry or niche?
Why should someone trust you?
How can you provide a great experience?

Those are some starter points. It’s an exercise that I was taught in business school and refined while doing a lot of networking at my local chamber of commerce. It works, and it takes some practice. On your website, you’ve got something I didn’t have face-to-faceā€¦ the ability to edit! You can always change it until it’s perfect, or as your best-sellers and specialties change.

What Should Someone Do After Getting to Know You?

Point people in more specific directions.
If someone wants to learn more, what should they do?

You’ll need to think like one of your readers and figure out the answer to that exact question. What would be beneficial? What questions would you ask someone who just gave you your elevator pitch?

The answers are usually all found in the following:
-The people; the founder, your team (if you’ve got a team),
-Your brand and what you do
-The origin story and why you are driven to fulfill the story (or write a sequel)
-How you do what you do

All of those topics are way too much to cover in just one page. Break it up, as every topic is important enough for you to have a page for each.

Create multiple pages to cover specifics
I personally think that each of the topics above should have its own page. That means four additional pages (if you don’t have them already).

About: about
The people: meet Chris
The brand: what I do and how I do it
Origin story: why did I get into marketing
How I do it: resources and blog posts

Why should you Build Additional Content on Your Website?

It’s delivering on your initial message and giving your audience the information they are looking for – that’s it. For me personally, when I’m browsing though a site that I’m interested in, I’m looking for their past work. If I’m impressed then I look at the people behind it – never the reverse. If I’m scrolling though the people, I may never get to the projects.

Advanced Tip: Technically, this will also improve your site architecture and increase your user experience. Both of these things are for SEO and increase your internal links (going from about to meet the founder for example) and boosting time on site and number of page views per visitor.

Although that advanced tip is correct, I’m thinking like a person who wants to get more information, they just happen to be browsing your website.

Each of these additional pages should follow the same structure. Consistency wins! I prefer the following for most pages:

What we’re talking about
Why it matters
What you should do about it
How that will benefit you

This structure appeals to the right audience and will get readers diving deeper into your content. Keep in mind that the goal is to get someone converting.

Always Suggest Actions or Next Steps

This formula also gives numerous opportunities to link to other resources, ask the reader to subscribe to your newsletter or gets them to a free resource or sales page.

Mixing up the content on these about pages with images, videos and clickable buttons will encourage the reader to scroll and read more. This is a good thing. Don’t throw things in if they are unnecessary, but go for it when it is relevant.

At this point on your website, you can be bold because the reader has already shown interest in you. You can show your true colours because you want them to make the decision to join your tribe and become a true fan. This is the core of your business growing and usually they are the people who can most relate to you. Let them know what to expect from you and your brand moving forward.

This Is Way Beyond an About Page and It’ll Start Converting Leads!

Reference each page whenever you can
Believe it or not, you’ve created the start of a sales funnel! Woo-hoo! Referencing back to each of these pages will get someone more interested in you and increase the likelihood of getting a conversion.

The top of your funnel is somewhere that you always want to send traffic to because it’s the first place that is specifically-designed to send people in the right direction.

With these pages in mind, you’ll be mentioning them in your blog posts more frequently becuase that’ll be much easier than constantly adding a paragraph about your brand, origin story or yourself.

The next thing to ensure more traffic gets to these pages is to include them in your main navigation menus. At minimum, they should be in the top and bottom menus on your website. It’s important to increase the chances that your readers (especially first time visitors) will check them out.

Your audience wants to learn more about you!

To recap, here’s how your going to build the perfect about page:

1) start with an elevator pitch.
2) point in more specific directions
3) create multiple about pages
-One for the people
-One for the brand
-One for your story and intentions
4) suggest actions or next steps
5) reference each where ever suitable

Take the time to create these additional pages and have a distinct reason for each. The results will surprise you. I get asked about little details on my website all the time. The personality of your brand and yourself will shine through on these pages, give actionable steps to dive deeper into your content and lead to building a strong tribe!

Make it happen. Go check out Part Two of Content Basics – where we cover what is usually the worst page on all websites: the home page! What your “Home Page” should really look like and how it should function.

Chris Milton